District Exporter Award, Bagalkot” -2015
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Our Company received the “District Exporter Award, Bagalkot” from the Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Submitted by gd_admin on
Our Company received the “District Exporter Award, Bagalkot” from the Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Submitted by gd_admin on
Our Company received the “First Prize in the “Best Safe Industrial Boiler” category for adopting best safe practices in the year 2015 from the Karnataka State Safety Institute, Government of Karnataka in 2016
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Our Company received the “Certificate of Merit for the outstanding export performance in chemical panel” Award from CHEMEXCIL
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Our Company received the “Best Cane Development Award” from The South Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologists’ Association
Submitted by gd_admin on
Our Company received the “Golden award for best distillery for the season 2013-2014” from The South Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologists’ Association