
Brief history of our Company

Our Company was originally incorporated as Godavari Investment and Finance Corporation Limited in Mumbai, Maharashtra as a public limited company under the Indian Companies Act, 1913, pursuant to a certificate of incorporation dated January 12, 1956, issued by the Registrar of Companies, Bombay.

Subsequently, the name of our Company was changed to Godavari Biorefineries Limited and a fresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon the change of name was issued by the Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra at Mumbai on November 10, 2006. The sugar, power, chemical and distillery business (the “Business”) of The Godavari Sugar Mills Limited, was demerged into our Company on April 21, 2009, with effect from April 1, 2008.


1940 - 2024

  • 1940

    Commencement of business in the manufacture and sale of sugar by The Godavari Sugar Mills Limited.s.

  • 1962

    Commencement of production and sale of denatured and rectified spirit

    Commenced the production of chemicals namely acetic acid

  • 1973

    Commencement of manufacture of sugar at Sameerwadi Manufacturing Facility

  • 1985

    Commencement of manufacture of alcohol from molasses at Sameerwadi Manufacturing Facility

  • 1993

    Consent to set up an ethyl acetate plant at the Sakarwadi Manufacturing Facility

  • 2003

    Amalgamation of Somaiya Organo-Chemicals Limited with The Godavari Sugar Mills Limited, with an appointed date of April 1, 2001.

  • 2004

    Consent to manufacture of crotonaldehyde

  • 2005

    Receipt of ISO 9001:2000 certification for the Sakarwadi Manufacturing Facility for the manufacturing, and marketing of ethyl alcohol, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, ethyl acetate and sorbic acid

  • 2008

    Received environmental clearance for expansion of the distillery unit at the Sameerwadi Manufacturing Facility with capacity to manufacture 200 KLPD of rectified spirits and 150 KLPD of fuel ethanol

  • 2009

    Incorporation of foreign wholly owned Subsidiary, Cayuga Investments B.V. in Netherlands and two step-down Subsidiaries, Godavari Biorefineries B.V. in Netherlands and Godavari Biorefineries Inc., in United States of America

  • 2010

    The sugar, power, chemical and distillery business of The Godavari Sugar Mills Limited, a member of the Somaiya group, was demerged into our Company on April 21, 2009 with an appointed date of April 1, 2008

  • 2011

    Consent for manufacturing 140 KLPD of extra neutral alcohol at the Sameerwadi Manufacturing Facility

  • 2014

    Launch of brand “Jivana” in the retail market and introduced Jivana sugar and salt

  • 2015

    Investment by Mandala Capital AG Limited in our Company

  • 2016

    Commencement of manufacturing and sale of chemicals such as MPO and 1,3 butylene glycol at Sakarwadi Manufacturing Facility

  • 2017

    Receipt of ISO 9001:2008 certification for the Manufacturing Facilities for marketing, manufacturing and supply of acetaldehyde, ethyl alcohol, ethyl acetate, crotonaldehyde, MPO, 1,3 BG and paraldehyde

  • 2019

    Receipt of RC 14001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certification for the Sakarwadi Manufacturing Facility for the manufacturing and sales of alcohol base chemicals and specialty chemicals

  • 2020

    Increase in the capacity of the Sameerwadi Manufacturing Facility with respect to Rectified Spirits from 200 KLPD as of March 31, 2019 to 320 KLPD as of March 31, 2020 and with respect to ethanol from 150 KLPD as of March 31, 2019 to 293.50 KLPD as of March 31, 2020

  • 2021

    Increase in the capacity of the Sameerwadi Manufacturing Facility with respect to Rectified Spirits from 320 KLPD as of March 31, 2020 to 400 KLPD as of March 31, 2021 and with respect to ethanol from 293.50 KLPD as of March 31, 2020 to 380 KLPD as of March 31, 2021

  • 2022

    Receipt of environmental clearance for expansion of distillery capacity from 400 KLPD to 600 KLPD at the Sameerwadi Manufacturing Facility and for manufacturing a wider range of speciality chemicals including 1,3 BG, cellulose, MCC, xylitol, EVE, furfural, lignosulphonate and bio-composite

  • 2023

    Receipt of consent to operate from the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board in relation to manufacture of certain additional bio-based chemicals at the Sakarwadi Manufacturing Facility

  • 2024

    Receipt of environmental clearance for expansion of distillery capacity from 600 KLPD to 1,000 KLPD using sugarcane syrup or 400 KLPD to 600 KLPD using B heavy molasses or 320 KLPD to 400 KLPD using C heavy molasses and 200 KLPD grain based/ sugarbeet as raw material to produce ethanol and to enhance captive power plant from 14 MW to 22 MW and expansion of sugarcane crushing capacity from 20,000 TCD to 25,000 TCD