Godavari Biorefineries honoured with two SISSTA Awards


Godavari Biorefineries Ltd (GBL), a pioneer in manufacturing ethanol-based chemicals in India and one of the largest producers of ethanol in India, has been awarded with two prestigious accolades at the 51st Annual Convention hosted by SISSTA.

We believe that based on the extensive and qualitative work done, the first award that was bestowed upon Godavari Biorefineries was the Platinum Award for “Best Sugarcane Development (2021-2022)” in the Karnataka Region. Secondly, Godavari Biorefineries’ paper titled, ‘Performance Enhancement of Biological Treatment Plan’ authored by Mr. Suryaprakash, GM (Co-gen), was selected for the ‘Best Paper Award in Process’ and was honoured with a Shri Mydur Anand Gold Medal for the same.

The awards were presented during SISSTA’s 51st Annual Convention which was held on 26th August, 2022 at Rahul Convention Centre, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. More than 600 individuals, including members, mill owners, technocrats, research-institutions, government officials and other dignitaries of the sugar industry participated in the event. The convention comprised the latest research papers of scientific, technological and managerial importance with respect to sugar and its allied industries.

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