

Godavari Biorefineries Limited contributes to Ethanol Blending Program by pioneering the use of sugarcane syrup for making ethanol

Aug 10, 2020

On the occasion of “World Biofuel Day”, we are happy to share that Godavari Biorefineries Ltd. has delivered 38 million litres of ethanol to the Ethanol Blending Programme (EBP) of the Government of India. Of these, 35 million litres was derived from Sugarcane syrup and B Heavy molasses. Godavari Biorefineries pioneered the use of sugarcane syrup for making ethanol by diverting more than 30% of sugarcane directly following the Brazilian model.

Godavari Biorefineries Ltd. manufactured the ethanol in its distillery with a production capacity of 320,000 litres per day. In the coming season, we will be expanding the distillery to manufacture 400,000 litres per day of ethanol. We aim to deliver more than 70 million litres of ethanol to the blending programme during the next sugar season.