Oil, Gas and Mining

1. Effective for increasing grade & recovery of chalcopyrite & bornite ores.
2. Efficient for difficult to recover copper sulphide minerals such as chalcocite & covellite.
1. Effective for increasing grade & recovery of chalcopyrite & bornite ores.
2. Efficient for difficult to recover copper sulphide minerals such as chalcocite & covellite.
Mining has been an integral part of human endeavor through centuries. In India, evidence suggests that Flint, a hard silica rock, was mined and used during Indus Valley civilization. We have taken a step towards creating sustainable chemistry by manufacturing a biodegradable frother from renewable feedstock that is sugarcane.
Froth flotation is a unique process used in the mining industry for ore beneficiation. We strive to provide mining industry an optimum effective solution to increase recovery & grade.