Godavari Biorefineries Ltd is doing activities for society on founder’s philosophy “What we receive gives back multifold”.
These activities are carried out mainly in our area of operation in Karnataka, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. The Company’s CSR activities are focused on different sectors with main emphasis on promotion of education, health, gender equality and empowering women.

Promotion of Education :
Help A Child To Study Project:
We started a project called “Help a child to Study” in 2001 through which we are extending scholarships and necessary assistance in the form of laptops, text books, career guidance etc., to the needy and meritorious students. Most of the students provided with scholarship and other benefits are orphans, students with single parents, children of devadasi, children of alcoholic parents, children of daily wage laborers etc. Some of our beneficiaries do part time jobs with their studies to support family and college fees. Few of our beneficiaries do not even have electricity and live in huts. During the financial year the company has supported 216 students of different courses including medicine, engineering, graduation, post graduation, diploma, pre university courses etc.
Book Bank
Help A Child provides more than 1000 text books of 11th and12th Science, Arts, Commerce and CET books on a returnable basis every year. Once the final exams are over, these books will be returned and again distributed to next batch students.

Laptop distribution
Help A Child also provides laptops on returnable basis for final year engineering, Management and post graduation students for project work.
Career Counseling
Workshops on personality development, resume writing, interview skills etc. were organized for final year degree students. These were organized to make the students aware about different job opportunities and courses available after degree as most of the students opt for only a few courses which is resulting in unemployment.

Supports to Somaiya Vidyavihar Schools
The company supports Kannada, Marathi and English medium rural schools in Maharashtra and Karnataka. These schools operate and provide education in and around the community in which the Company’s manufacturing locations are located. There are more than 5000 students in these schools.
Women Empowerment/ Tailoring classes
When women are empowered, it has a multiplying positive impact on the health and progress of their families and communities. We run tailoring centres in different villages in Bagalkot and Belgaum Districts of Karnataka. Every year around a large group of women in the age group between 15 to 30 learn the art of tailoring and get the opportunity to become self-employed. This allows them to take care of their children while supplementing the family income thus earning a better livelihood for them and their children. 430 women took the benefit of this project during 2023-24.

Bio Medical Waste Management (BMWM) at Sakarwadi Site
As a Responsible Care Logo Unit- M/s- Godavari Biorefineries Ltd. has operated / provided Occupational Health Center 24 X 7 at Sakarwadi site for surrounding communities and employees free of cost".
During the treatment generated Bio Medical Waste (BMW) handled properly and disposed off at Authorized BMWM facility as a goal of "SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES WHILE DOING THE BUSINESS "
Membership of Biomedical Waste Disposal
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record April-2021 to Sep-2022
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record Oct-2022
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record Nov-2022 to Feb-2023
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record March-2023
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record April-2023
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record May-2023
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record June-2023
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record July-2023
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record August-2023
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record September-2023
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record October-2023
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record November-2023
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record December-2023
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record February-2024
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record March-2024
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record Apr-2024
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record May-2024
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record Jun-2024
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record July-2024
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record August-2024
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record September-2024
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record October-2024
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record November-2024
Biomedical Waste Disposal Record December-2024